Using Kartris With ASP

Posted By zenmarc Thu 26 Sep 2019
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 Posted Thu 26 Sep 2019
Supreme Being

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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Wed 20 Nov 2019
Posts: 1, Visits: 4
I am currently using WordPress for my website and now looking to transfer it to ASP, I have created a WordPress backup due to fear of data loss, How can I migrate in a proper way and use Kartris with the new website?
 Posted Fri 27 Sep 2019
große Käse

große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)große Käse - (528,402 reputation)

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Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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Kartris is ASP.NET so requires Windows based hosting. Typically wordpress is run on Apache/linux servers.

When you say you backed up your WP site, is your intention to import that into Kartris, or to run kartris alongside WP? WP is a cms primarily, so there is no direct or easy way to pull your data into Kartris.

If you have your own server and know how to configure things, I am pretty sure you can run both ASP.NET and php on the same server. If not, probably the best route would be to run Kartris on separate hosting, using a subdomain like and then skin them to look similar, and to cross link to each other.

Kartris has a very simple CMS but it's really designed just for a few information pages like Ts and Cs, privacy policy, etc. which most ecommerce sites have, rather than a full blown content site.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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