Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Mon 21 May 2018
Posts: 94,
Visits: 266
I've just noticed that the Google product feed truncates the product description field which is a bit annoying for the other shopping channels we use which need the full description. Is there a way to replicate the SQL command that creates a Google product feed to get the full product description into a CSV file?
*UPDATE* Although this doesn't sove the Google Feed truncation, I discovered there is a stored procedure in the DB: spKartrisLanguageElements_GetByLanguageID which can be run from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio locally on a downloaded DB using the value integer of the store (in my case 1) which pulls out all of the products and data.
The caveat here is, it doesn't pull out image links, but you can get these from the back-end Google Feed generation facility. The stored procedure pulls out enough info to populate any of the shopping feed requirements out there. It would be nice to get a query that only pulls live products and includes an image link, but for now, this will work for our non-Google shopping feed requirements.
Fri 18 May 2018 by