FormLabel_GDPRConfirmText fault

Posted By Tiggywiggler Sun 18 Mar 2018
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 Posted Sun 18 Mar 2018
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)Supreme Being - (121,612 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Mon 6 Dec 2021
Posts: 235, Visits: 750
Hello guys, not sure if the markup needs changing or the DB needs changing so rather than me update the git directly I thought I would post it here and allow the admin to apply the best strategy.

kartrislogin.ascx line 120 has:

Text="<%$ Resources: GDPR, FormLabel_GDPRConfirmText %>"

This causes compiles to fail as the language string has the class name 'kartris', not 'GDPR'. either the class name in the DB needs updating or line 120 of the above mentioned class needs to be changed to:

Text="<%$ Resources: kartris, FormLabel_GDPRConfirmText %>"

We are always willing to help out the community or pitch in to help you fix a problem. However, if you want a complete solution made such as a code module or new feature added you have two options. Either
1) Reach out to the Kartris internal development team at
2) Contact one of the Kartris approved partners at

Have fun and good luck coding.
Paul Marked As Answer
 Posted Wed 4 Apr 2018
große Käse

große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)große Käse - (513,236 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
I think we had this correct in the update script, but not in the main SQL. So updates would work, but creation from the maindata on a new install would have the issue. We've fixed to this (in other words, rather than fix the control, we've fixed the maindata script, because the update SQL was ok and matched the control correctly):

/*** New language strings  ***/INSERT [dbo].[tblKartrisLanguageStrings] ([LS_FrontBack], [LS_Name], [LS_Value], [LS_Description], [LS_VersionAdded], [LS_DefaultValue], [LS_VirtualPath], [LS_ClassName], [LS_LangID]) VALUES (N'f', N'FormLabel_GDPRConfirmText', N'Please confirm you have read, understand and accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions', NULL, 2.9012, N'', NULL, N'GDPR',1); GO

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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