I ran into an issue with admin login and main site logout running Kartris in a virtual directory. The main issue was the server didn't like that Kartris was posting back to a folder... there's an attempted fix for this in the Global.asax on line 80, but that fix is insufficient and produced a bug...
The existing logic takes requests to /admin and processes them as /adminDefault.aspx, which is invalid.
I replaced the logic with the following:
Dim strRawURL As String = Request.RawUrl.ToLower()
If strRawURL.EndsWith("/admin") Then
Response.Redirect(Replace(strRawURL, "/admin", "/Admin/_Default.aspx"))
ElseIf strRawURL.EndsWith("/admin/") Then
Response.Redirect(Replace(strRawURL, "/admin/", "/Admin/_Default.aspx"))
ElseIf strRawURL.EndsWith("/") Then
Response.Redirect(strRawURL & "Default.aspx")
End If
This resolved the admin login issue, and also resolved logout issues on the home page when the site is in a virtual directory and accessed through the default document.