Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 31 May 2020
Posts: 25,
Visits: 56
I am trying to get my head around applying skins. I thought this was working on my site but a test showed me recently it wasn't.
Basically I copied the Kartris skin and renamed the folder.
In this folder I changed the /image.logo.png file to update the logo.
Under Lang & Email Setup I opened the only language I have in there (English) and changed the skin selection to the new one listed as the renamed folder, and selected Template.master as the Masterpage.
I have tried clearing caches, restarting the site etc but the logo image just does not change.
The language details have Language Culture = en-GB & Language UI Culture = en.
When I examine the aspx files in the root, I notice the files still reflect their masterpage as
I assume this is why the logo does not update, it hasn't changed the masterpage to my new skin folder.
What am I missing here?