Skin not applying

Posted By GuyB Sun 20 Sep 2015
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 Posted Sun 20 Sep 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 31 May 2020
Posts: 25, Visits: 56

I am trying to get my head around applying skins. I thought this was working on my site but a test showed me recently it wasn't.

Basically I copied the Kartris skin and renamed the folder.

In this folder I changed the /image.logo.png file to update the logo.

Under Lang & Email Setup I opened the only language I have in there (English) and changed the skin selection to the new one listed as the renamed folder, and selected Template.master as the Masterpage.

I have tried clearing caches, restarting the site etc but the logo image just does not change.

The language details have Language Culture = en-GB & Language UI Culture = en.

When I examine the aspx files in the root, I notice the files still reflect their masterpage as


I assume this is why the logo does not update, it hasn't changed the masterpage to my new skin folder.

What am I missing here?


 Posted Mon 21 Sep 2015
große Käse

große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)große Käse - (491,738 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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Check your skin carefully. The logo is linked in with a full local path that includes the skin name. So you may fine although you are using the new skin, this still links to a logo in the original kartris skin!

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Thu 1 Oct 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)Supreme Being - (13,045 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 31 May 2020
Posts: 25, Visits: 56
I am slowly getting used to the way this works, its not quite as logical as I think it could be, like this dependance on contents of the Katris skin when you have assigned another skin to the site in the backend, but its still heaps better than I could code so don't think I am complaining Wink



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