Undesired and strange backend behavior

Posted By stringerbell Tue 11 Feb 2014
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 Posted Tue 11 Feb 2014
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)Supreme Being - (5,525 reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Thu 8 May 2014
Posts: 1, Visits: 43

This problem happens constantly and I can't find how to solve it, so I ask you to please help me.

I have two different backend users (let's call them AgentA and AgentB for clarity), working at different computers but in the same network.

AgentA searches (~/Admin/_CustomersList.aspx) for a registered customer and finds him.

Then AgentA clicks the "Select" button and gets the information (~/Admin/_ModifyCustomerStatus.aspx) for CustomerA.

At the same moment, AgentB does the same and searches for another customer's info and gets the details for CustomerB.

Then AgentA modifies something from CustomerA's information (although not the email address) and tries to save it.

And here's the problem:

The email address from CustomerB appears and replaces CustomerA's email at AgentA's screen. However, AgentB's screen keeps unchanged and he's able to save without problem.

In general, a first agent gets a customer's info and then a second agent gets another's customer info, when the first agent click's the "Save" button the email address from second agent's screen appears as the email address at first agent's screen. It only happens to the first agents accessing the screen (/Admin/_ModifyCustomerStatus.aspx).

I've tried to trace the issue in debug mode but I haven't been able to find what's causing it.

Please note both agents, AgentA and AgentB have each their own separate credentials for accessing the Backend and both have the same levels of permission.

Thank you very much for your help.


 Posted Wed 12 Mar 2014
große Käse

große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
We identified the issue being down to a shared variable on the user class. The file on codeplex was updated, if you grab the latest version from the source code there, this should fix it:



If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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