RealEx payment integration

Posted By TheCalicoTree Mon 10 Feb 2014
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 Posted Mon 10 Feb 2014
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)Supreme Being - (74,668 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Thu 18 Jun 2015
Posts: 98, Visits: 1,382
I'm experiencing a few issue with the RealEx payment integration. some of which I am coding around which leads me to wonder whether there are some slight glitches that need ironing out at your end.

1. Order Confirmation - using template file Callback_RealEx.html (which in some documentation is refered to as Callback-RealEx.html). The display of the Order Confirmation is a mess - loads of line breaks, no formatting. We have our set to true.

The code strips out all VB line breaks and replaces then with <br/>. Line 386. Earlier on in the code this is conditioned based upon the HTML, in this instance it is not and I believe it should be. Having replaced the line with Response.Write(strBodyText) the order confirmation displays beautifully.

2. Special charcters causing problems. Shipping ID/Address errored due to brackets () in field, product name (Comment2) failed due to double quote in product name (" used for inches).
The encoding is set to UTF-8 but all of the characters are not encoding before being passed to RealEx.

3. Display of order confirmation again has  before every currency symbol.


 Posted Thu 13 Feb 2014
große Käse

große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)große Käse - (540,294 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
Have looking into issue 2. The COMMENT2 tag is filled with the XML of the basket created by the kartris payment system interface. I think that the values within the XML need to be HTML encoded, so the issue is within the payment interface rather than the Realex support.

I've updated the interface, the file is here:

Could you try this and see if it fixes the issue. It is also possible for us to apply HTML encoding to the entire XML that goes into the COMMENT2 field, but I don't think that is the correct approach if it is only certain cases where the encoding is required.

Item 3 looks like a text encoding issue. If you manually change the text encoding in the browser, does the currency symbol show ok?

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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