Thread being aborted. Unknown error.

Posted By moonware Tue 22 Oct 2013
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Author Message
 Posted Tue 22 Oct 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)Supreme Being - (951 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Wed 23 Oct 2013
Posts: 2, Visits: 4

I'm gently setting up a new shop so i downloaded latest version 2.5005 and started to put in place my products and options from a clean installation.

I'm encountering the following error for some of my products if i'm not using the default english language:

>> Product.Page_Load
>> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
>> 22/10/2013 22:13:15
>> Version:2.5005
>> URL:http://xxx/Product.aspx?ProductID=8&CategoryID=1&L=2
>> xx.xx.xx.xx
Error: An unknown error has occurred. Please check the error logs for any info.
Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path)
at Product.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

the url in the addres bar is:

and i end up with a 404 - File or directory not found.

The above error is generated in the logs.

Actually this Thread aborted could be triggered by a response.redirect() as it's by default aborting the thread however apparently nobody else encounters this problem after making quick research on google and here on this forum.

My shop is almost empty at this time i have only 6 products. 2 are working ok in all languages (en-GB, de-DE, fr-FR) and the 4 others are fine in english and triggering this problem in French or German. I cannot find a noticeable difference between the 2 that work and the others in term of how they are set up. They are all live and i see them from their respective category. It's when I select a product that it trigs the problem.

I have imported the languages translations from the official google document using the data tool and filled my product descriptions accordingly.

Any advice is welcome.

Thank you

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