Thread being aborted. Unknown error.
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By moonware - Tue 22 Oct 2013

I'm gently setting up a new shop so i downloaded latest version 2.5005 and started to put in place my products and options from a clean installation.

I'm encountering the following error for some of my products if i'm not using the default english language:

>> Product.Page_Load
>> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
>> 22/10/2013 22:13:15
>> Version:2.5005
>> URL:http://xxx/Product.aspx?ProductID=8&CategoryID=1&L=2
>> xx.xx.xx.xx
Error: An unknown error has occurred. Please check the error logs for any info.
Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path)
at Product.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

the url in the addres bar is:

and i end up with a 404 - File or directory not found.

The above error is generated in the logs.

Actually this Thread aborted could be triggered by a response.redirect() as it's by default aborting the thread however apparently nobody else encounters this problem after making quick research on google and here on this forum.

My shop is almost empty at this time i have only 6 products. 2 are working ok in all languages (en-GB, de-DE, fr-FR) and the 4 others are fine in english and triggering this problem in French or German. I cannot find a noticeable difference between the 2 that work and the others in term of how they are set up. They are all live and i see them from their respective category. It's when I select a product that it trigs the problem.

I have imported the languages translations from the official google document using the data tool and filled my product descriptions accordingly.

Any advice is welcome.

Thank you
By Paul - Wed 23 Oct 2013
Products will generate a 404 if you try to view them in a language that they are not available in. Are you sure that for the products that fail you have the name in there in french for the product and its versions? To display in French, the site will need the product name and at least one version name available in French.
By moonware - Wed 23 Oct 2013
Thank you for your quick response.

I just gave a quick review based on your input and indeed for the first product, I forgot to put a french version so it seems to be the case.

By Ardik - Wed 23 Oct 2013
Paul (23/10/2013)
Products will generate a 404 if you try to view them in a language that they are not available in.

This prompts a feature request:
- (optionally?) fall back to the main language if the current language isn't present;
- a tool to copy language elements from the main (or any existing?) language into the missing spots of another language (bonus: flag those elements).

yeah, I'm in the wrong forum for that; I'll head over later and check whether this request already exists etc.