Hello Guys,
Right so I have had a good play with the styling and manipulation of the master and I cannot achieve the same or similar styling to that achieved by
www.northwestteas.co.uk . I have had a look at their styling and they seem to be using some scripting and they are not using the any of kartris menus. That's fine. I get that. What I am having difficulties with getting the square product display which they have and if I really want to be difficult I really want that for categories on the main page and subcategories on child pages.
Surely not that difficult. I want to disable featured, recent, etc. Just have a catalogue type shop with product categories on page one (Approx 12) and then up to 12 subcategories on child pages. I want them to updated from the back end.
I will have more questions as i get closer to achieving my desired look but for now this is about it.
Hope you can all help. Seriously any help will be good.