Ok. I think I found an issue with the stored procedure that pulls out the shipping rates. Please run this query against the database and check if it fixes the issue.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spKartrisShippingMethods_Get](@D_ID as int,@Boundary as real,@LANG_ID as int) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT S_ShippingRate, SM_ID, SM_Name, SM_Desc FROM (tblKartrisDestination INNER JOIN tblKartrisShippingRates ON tblKartrisDestination.D_ShippingZoneID = tblKartrisShippingRates.S_ShippingZoneID) INNER JOIN vKartrisTypeShippingMethods ON vKartrisTypeShippingMethods.SM_ID = tblKartrisShippingRates.S_ShippingMethodID WHERE SM_Live = 'true' AND S_Boundary>= @Boundary AND D_ID = @D_ID AND LANG_ID = @LANG_ID ORDER BY SM_OrderByValue ASC, SM_ID ASC, S_Boundary ASC END
This basically changes the 'boundary' parameter datatype from 'decimal' to 'real'.