error accessing cart web site

Posted By poppo101 Sat 14 Aug 2010
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 Posted Sat 14 Aug 2010
Supreme Being

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I receive the following when trying to access my cart (


An error occurred. The system has written a log file entry.

I found the log file buried in the uploads > logs > errors folder

I have attached the error log in a zip file.

Bill (2 views, 1.26 KB)
Sat 14 Aug 2010 by poppo101
 Posted Sat 14 Aug 2010
große Käse

große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)

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The error in the log file says:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.spKartrisBasketValues_GetItems'.

This suggests that the stored procedure in the database spKartrisBasketValues_GetItems is missing.

The stored procedures are created when the database is first set up during the install routine. Did that part go ok?

You could go to execute query in the back end and run this

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[spKartrisBasketValues_GetItems]    Script Date: 07/26/2010 14:17:01 ******/
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[spKartrisBasketValues_GetItems]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'
-- =============================================
-- Author:        Joseph
-- Create date: 8/Apr/08
-- Description:   
-- Remarks:    Optimization Medz - 26/07/2010
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [spKartrisBasketValues_GetItems] (
    @intLanguageID int,
    @intSessionID int


WITH tblBasketValues as
    (SELECT BV_ID,BV_VersionID,BV_Quantity,BV_CustomText FROM tblKartrisBasketValues WHERE BV_ParentType=''b'' and BV_ParentID=@intSessionID)
    SELECT DISTINCT P_ID''ProductID'',P_Type''ProductType'',T_TaxRate''TaxRate'',V_Weight''Weight'',V_RRP''RRP'',P_Name''ProductName'',V_ID,tblBasketValues.BV_ID
    ,V_Name''VersionName'',V_CodeNumber''CodeNumber'',V_Price''Price'', tblBasketValues.BV_Quantity''Quantity'',V_QuantityWarnLevel''QtyWarnLevel'',V_Quantity,
V_DownloadType,isnull(BV_CustomText,'''')''CustomText'',dbo.fnKartrisBasketOptionValues_GetTotalPriceByParentAndBasketValue(@intSessionID,tblBasketValues.BV_ID) AS OptionsPrice,
V_CustomizationType,V_CustomizationDesc,V_CustomizationCost,tblBasketValues.BV_VersionID FROM tblBasketValues INNER JOIN vKartrisProductsVersions
ON dbo.fnKartris_GetBaseVersionID(BV_VersionID) = V_ID
 WHERE LANG_ID = @intLanguageID


This code would create the missing stored procedure.

But I am thinking that if you're missing one stored procedure you may also be missing others. So I am interested if you got any errors during setup that might reveal a problem there?

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Sun 15 Aug 2010
Supreme Being

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the install ran without giving me any errors. I used the installer provided by my web host. Is there a way to just run the create database part of the installation? I agree with you that if one stored procedure is missing, what else is missing. this is installed on a sub-domain on my web host so blowing it away and restarting isn't a problem. It is the only thing on the sub-domain web site since i am in test mode.


 Posted Mon 16 Aug 2010
große Käse

große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)große Käse - (513,240 reputation)

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Yes, it could be that the install script timed out during the installation process on your host.

If you can connect directly to the database with Management Studio, then you can run the db setup script. First delete any data that is already there, just so it does not interfer.

The setup script is located in the kartris web folder here:


Easiest way is to open it locally in notepad, then copy and paste the entire thing to a new query and run that on the db.

Once you've done this, you can re-run the installer but this time it should see that the db tables and structure already exist and then give you the option to use that.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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