Featured product: change from list to slider (edit with css)

Posted By [email protected] Thu 19 Apr 2018
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[email protected]
 Posted Thu 19 Apr 2018
Supreme Being

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Can you help me how to work with product list in Featured product, change it from list to slider without editing code?

Many thanks
 Posted Tue 24 Apr 2018
große Käse

große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)große Käse - (528,648 reputation)

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I don't see any way to do this without editing code at all. Any customization is going to need some kind of code, whether new code you add, or changes to existing code. There is no magic switch to just turn anything on if it's not a built-in feature already.

At present, featured products are displayed in a section with this markup around it

<div class="products products_shortened">

Each item is then contained within a DIV with class 'item'

<div class="item">

You could either find a jquery slider to install which can work with items marked up like this, or you can format the HTML to match that required by the orbit slider, which is included in Foundation (the responsive framework that Kartris uses). This means you don't need to plug in new javascript, so I think would be simpler, even though you will have to edit HTML. The docs for that are here:


If you get this working it would do one item at a time. Not sure if that's what you're after.

The output code for the featured products is in /UserControls/Front/FeaturedProducts.ascx so if you need to modify the HTML classes etc. then that's the place to do it.

If you're avoiding editing code because you don't feel comfortable doing that, it's going to be hard or maybe impossible to make the kind of customizations you want. Kartris does a lot out of the box, but interface changes of things from static lists to moving sliders are inevitably going to need some kind of changes of code, and if you're not comfortable doing it, you probably need to get someone with good jquery/CSS/HTML to do those kinds of things.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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