Edit without code impact

Posted By [email protected] Thu 12 Apr 2018
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[email protected]
 Posted Thu 12 Apr 2018
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)Supreme Being - (3,874 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Thu 12 Jul 2018
Posts: 10, Visits: 248
Dear All,

I am developing a website but I have to use css and do not allow to edit any code. I have some questions need your support to help , can I develop without code editting?
Thank you so much

1/ Featured product section:
- How can I change the way to display product from a list to display as a slider

Like image: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4RAp8YDqv18fpZ0i1

2/ We want to display 4 products in a line with: product image, product code, product description, price.

Like image: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qrRZjAnP1LfN06Od2

Is it possible to do that without changing code, only edit in css?

3/ With the Powerpack search bar suggestions, can these be edited from being a full text response to having for example just the product code and short description or something similar? Will it show a scrolling list of just the top three or so suggestions?

4/ To make the filter system work, we would need the filters to grab the information from the product descriptions. For example if a product description states: STG RGP 6mm CZ pr, we would want the information grabbed to be: Sterling Silver, Rose Gold Plate, 6mm, Cubic Zirconia, Pair. In conjunction with this, product descriptions are manually entered into Attache and differ. Is there a way to set up tags explaining for example that Rose Gold Plate could be found as RGP, ROSE PLATE, Rose etc?

Thu 12 Apr 2018 by [email protected]
 Posted Sat 26 May 2018
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)Supreme Being - (124,398 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Mon 6 Dec 2021
Posts: 235, Visits: 750
It is highly unlikely that you will be able to achieve what you want to without changing the code. I have seen some very clever people to amazing things with CSS, so I will not say it is impossible, but I certainly would not try to achieve it without code change.

The objects that you want to display are not represented in the HTML in a 'friendly' way for what you want, especially as the slider control that you want for the featured products is typically implemented as a control with hidden objects and a specific javascript library. With what you are saying, adding javascript would also be out of the question.

Can I ask why code changes are such an issue here?

We are always willing to help out the community or pitch in to help you fix a problem. However, if you want a complete solution made such as a code module or new feature added you have two options. Either
1) Reach out to the Kartris internal development team at http://www.kartris.com/Contact.aspx.
2) Contact one of the Kartris approved partners at http://www.kartris.com/t-Worldwide-Developers.aspx.

Have fun and good luck coding.

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