I am using the latest DEV code we have and I could not replicate the issue. I placed three different versions of the same product into the basket, and all three triggered the same promotion (so effectively that promotion x3). I checked out fine and when I check the tblKartrisOrderPromotions table, only one record was added to log the promotion for that order.
I am going to zip up a new build of Kartris; we've had a lot of minor tweaks and changes over last few months. I will send you a link, can you see if you install that whether you get the issue.
In the meantime, looking at the code (this is for your version before the basket refactoring), maybe the following might fix the issue without upgrading or installing a new version. In /App_Code/BLL/OrdersBLL.vb. Find this code around line 700 or so:
If objBasket.PromotionDiscount.IncTax < 0 Then
Dim objPromotions As New ArrayList
Dim objPromotionsDiscount As New ArrayList
objBasket.CalculatePromotions(objPromotions, objPromotionsDiscount, False)
For Each objPromotion As PromotionBasketModifier In objPromotionsDiscount
Dim cmdAddPromotionLinks As New SqlCommand("spKartrisOrdersPromotions_Add", sqlConn, savePoint)
With cmdAddPromotionLinks
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderID", O_ID)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PromotionID", objPromotion.PromotionID)
End With
End If
Then add a try/catch in there, so if the subsequent record additions fail, it won't fail the whole order, but hopefully just skip adding those extra record:
If objBasket.PromotionDiscount.IncTax < 0 Then
Dim objPromotions As New ArrayList
Dim objPromotionsDiscount As New ArrayList
objBasket.CalculatePromotions(objPromotions, objPromotionsDiscount, False)
For Each objPromotion As PromotionBasketModifier In objPromotionsDiscount
Dim cmdAddPromotionLinks As New SqlCommand("spKartrisOrdersPromotions_Add", sqlConn, savePoint)
With cmdAddPromotionLinks
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderID", O_ID)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PromotionID", objPromotion.PromotionID)
End With
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.
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