Print catalog

Posted By Supermac Thu 24 Nov 2016
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 Posted Thu 24 Nov 2016
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Wed 22 Jul 2020
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Maybe Kartris already got it and I don't know... In this case I apologize.
If not, it would be useful a dedicated page (activable or not using a configuration setting) that allows the frontend users to print the entire categories/products structure.

The datasource may be the same used for treeview in backend, enriching the sheets (products) with their main picture, title, description, price, ....

A standard layout for the print may be supplied leaving developers the possibility to customize the aspect of the print working on CSS media:print section.
 Posted Sat 26 Nov 2016
Supreme Being

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Hello mate, I thought I would throw a comment up here off of the back of this.

There is nothing built into the system to do this currently, however, I wonder if the datatool could be used to export the data from the system, put it into XML or Excel and then do a Merge with Word to produce the catalogue.

If it is something you are after, that might give you a potential solution.

We are always willing to help out the community or pitch in to help you fix a problem. However, if you want a complete solution made such as a code module or new feature added you have two options. Either
1) Reach out to the Kartris internal development team at
2) Contact one of the Kartris approved partners at

Have fun and good luck coding.
 Posted Mon 28 Nov 2016
Supreme Being

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Hi Tiggy
extracting data and merging them with Word allows user to obtain a good result if he's skilled enough... but that's only for backend users.

My intention is to give to frontend users a printable (on a printer or a pdf file) products catalog made "on the fly" even without that admin creates one before and set it downloadable.

I'm actually trying to do it for a customer who asked it to me -a paperless world is still far Sad-, I was suggesting to add it as a feature to next K's releases.
 Posted Thu 1 Dec 2016
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)

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Okay, so you are after the ability to dynamically produce the catalogue on demand from the front end.

Interesting idea. I have had to do similar things in the past, and because they need to be printable I have used iTextSharp and PDFSharp to produce PDFs. This way you can iterate the categories and products collection in .Net modules, push that into an PDF object, and then stream that to the client through a suitable handler.

Certainly not easy, but also not impossible.

You have probably got a few weeks work ahead of you there to knock it up and to refine it after testing. I wish you all the best with that mate!

We use a similar process to produce the address labels inside Kartris, and that uses PDFSharp due to the licenses. if you want to get your teeth into it you would want to look at ~/AppCode/Utils/PdfLabelUtil.vb for an example I wrote for producing the labels. You can look at ~/admin/_AddressLabelPdfs.ashx for an example of how to write the output handler to stream the object.

That should get you started Smile

Good luck and happy coding!

We are always willing to help out the community or pitch in to help you fix a problem. However, if you want a complete solution made such as a code module or new feature added you have two options. Either
1) Reach out to the Kartris internal development team at
2) Contact one of the Kartris approved partners at

Have fun and good luck coding.
 Posted Tue 6 Dec 2016
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)Supreme Being - (88,317 reputation)

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Thank you Tiggy for your precious suggestions.
I'd a small experience with iTextSharp and I remember it was complicated to build a printing layout.
I'm actually working on a simplest solution (by developer pov) that will generate a web page and allow user to print the catalog directly on his printer or on a pdfPrinter.
I almost completed the part related to data and page's building using nested repeaters.
The most difficult part -for me- is to write CSS rules in @media:printer section to obtain a good print result.
In this way I wish I'll shrink the developing time from few weeks to few days :-)
 Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)Supreme Being - (128,708 reputation)

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Last Active: Mon 6 Dec 2021
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Excellent! I wish you all the best for this. While I understand that it may not be possible to share the code that results from your work, it would be great to see the output from this system once complete.

If you wish to share the site it is installed on once complete, it would be good to see how it works (from the customer's eye) Smile

Good luck!

We are always willing to help out the community or pitch in to help you fix a problem. However, if you want a complete solution made such as a code module or new feature added you have two options. Either
1) Reach out to the Kartris internal development team at
2) Contact one of the Kartris approved partners at

Have fun and good luck coding.

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