BasketView.ascx UI 'Flow' improvements

Posted By thedrumdoctor Wed 23 Mar 2016
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Author Message
 Posted Wed 23 Mar 2016
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)Supreme Being - (70,253 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Mon 21 May 2018
Posts: 94, Visits: 266
Just adding this after some more great Kartris tech support.

Being forced to design UI more and more to suit small screen first, it came to my attention that there is a small improvement that could be made to the UI regarding 'work flow' rendering.

When a user is ready to checkout, they go to the Basket.aspx page and currently out-of-the-box, Kartris renders the page as:

  1. Basket contents with total
  2. Basket control buttons ( recalculate, empty, contact, checkout)
  3. Shipping estimate
In the interests of workflow, I wanted to create the following:
  1. Basket contents with total
  2. Shipping estimate
  3. Basket control buttons ( recalculate, empty, contact, checkout)
This is a far more natural rendering experience for the user, they don't have to scroll back upwards - especially on a hand-held device - to get to the checkout button.

I also moved the 'Checkout' button to render before the the 'Contact' button so it's a step nearer the possible checkout procedure. As we are being forced down the small-screen UI route, it is the smallest of changes in rendering that can make the biggest difference to the user experience!

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