Subcategories with the same name

Posted By jeffb Tue 6 Oct 2015
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 Posted Tue 6 Oct 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)Supreme Being - (15,809 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Thu 13 Oct 2016
Posts: 27, Visits: 143
I setup categories like this (note categories and subcategories):Teaching: Grade 1: Math
Teaching: Grade 2: Math

So I have 2 subcategories called "Math", but they exist with different parents.

When I try to use the data tool to load items for each, I have category columns set as above across the row. But the data tool puts all the items into the Math subcategory associated with the Grade 1 parent. Even if I put grade 2 in the parent category column of the spreadsheet.

Is there a way for the Data Tool to know to put one of the items in "Math" with parent "Grade 1", and one of the items in "Math" with parent "Grade 2"?

Thanks in advance.
Paul Marked As Answer
 Posted Wed 7 Oct 2015
große Käse

große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)große Käse - (544,994 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
There isn't a way to have two categories with the same name if using the Data Tool. More detail here:

However, if you're not planning on updating the site using the DT, but instead just want to initially populate it with product data (making any future updates through the back end of Kartris), you could just name those Math categories as Math 1, Math 2, then once all your data is imported with the DT, just go into the back end and manually rename them both to just Math.

Kartris itself can have products and categories with matching names, the issue is only with the DT, because of how it locates products and categories (to see if they exist or not).

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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