Front Page Featured Products Images, (products_normal display)

Posted By thedrumdoctor Wed 18 May 2011
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 Posted Wed 18 May 2011
Supreme Being

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I am currently experimenting with front page featured products in 'normal' display.

Please correct me if my assumption is wrong, but like Cactushop, Kartris appears to take the thumbnail image from the shortened product listing and uses that as the image for the front page 'featured product' display. In the Cactushop site I currently look after, I make sure all the thumbs are a uniform 160px x 160px which is fine for a three column tabular gallery on the front page and great for shortened product display.

However, in Kartris, it would be nice to be able to display a larger product image on the front page 'featured products' display but still have a thumbnail size when looking at the product in shortened format (when the user clicks from the front page product to get 'more details').

Does the front page 'featured products' 'normal' display only use the thumbnail image that is used for the 'shortened format' display?

Hope this question makes sense!
 Posted Thu 19 May 2011
große Käse

große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)

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Kartris works differently to CactuShop in that the sizes of thumbnails are not fixed by a choice made at the time the images are uploaded.

In Kartris, you only upload large views of images. All the smaller thumbnail versions of various sizes are generated 'on the fly' when needed. The sizing is determined by various config settings (search the back end for 'height' or 'width' and you'll find these). Change these, and next time you view a page, you see the newly sized images throughout.

The front end products use the standard product templates (UserControls/Templates folder) that are used throughout for product display, and therefore inherit the size set for whatever product display type you choose (tabular, shortened, normal or extended).

With Kartris v1.3, you have full source code, so if you wanted to tweak the display just on the home page, you could create a new product display template user control based on one of the existing ones, and then plumb this into the UserControls/Front/FeaturedProducts.ascx user control.

The code-behind vb file for each template has something like this:

UC_ImageView.CreateImageViewer(IMAGE_TYPE.enum_ProductImage, _
            litProductID.Text, _
            KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig("frontend.display.images.minithumb.height"), _
            KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig("frontend.display.images.minithumb.width"), _
            strNavigateURL, _

You can replace the two config settings for height and width with alternative values, hardcoded if you wish.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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Thu 19 May 2011 by Paul
 Posted Fri 20 May 2011
Supreme Being

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That's pretty cool Paul, only having to upload 1 size image! As long as I start with good quality images with a 1:1 aspect ratio it should be enough to work with 'out of the box'.
 Posted Thu 31 Jan 2013
Supreme Being

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I have been looking for the same issue. At present the FeaturedProducts.ascx and VB files have not been changed from the orginial downloaded versions.

However, I can not find the ProductImage size controller in either of them as described in you post:

UC_ImageView.CreateImageViewer(IMAGE_TYPE.enum_ProductImage, _
            litProductID.Text, _
            KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig("frontend.display.images.minithumb.height"), _
            KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig("frontend.display.images.minithumb.width"), _
            strNavigateURL, _
 Posted Fri 1 Feb 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)große Käse - (546,244 reputation)

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The original post was relating to an older version of Kartris, from over a year ago.

On the latest version, the FeaturedProducts control uses the same templates that product display uses.

You can choose which template is used with the frontend.featuredproducts.display.default config setting.

If you needed to use a particular template and override the size of images used in that template throughout the rest of the site, I think the best way would be to find the particular template control (in UserControls/Templates/), and look in the .vb codebehind. This calls the image and sets the size using the config setting defaults. You could put in some kind of If/Then to use different sizes if on the home page.

Or you could create a completely new template control and use that for the featured products - that way you could make any changes you like to the image size and layout without affecting anything else.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

If you would like to be informed of new features, new releases, developments and occasional special bonuses, please sign up to our mailing list:
 Posted Wed 6 Feb 2013
Supreme Being

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I think I have resolved the issue.

Under ProductTemplateTabular.ascx, the featured product image size can be changed to a different display setting size.

As I need the image size to be the same as images.normal, the setting can be reconfigured.

After altering the ‘KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig’ to [frontend.display.images.normal.height]the images resize to the required size.

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