Hiding the currency menu

Posted By thedrumdoctor Wed 18 May 2011
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 Posted Wed 18 May 2011
Supreme Being

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Is there a way of turning the currency menu to display=off in the back end? I've had a look in the config settings but can't find anything to disable it viewing in the frontend.

At the moment I've resorted to <!--commenting out--> the markup that generates the currency menu on my Master page but if there's a way of removing it via a backend config setting it would be good to know.

Thanks again for the excellent support. You guys are well deserving of the licence money my boss will be putting your way!
 Posted Wed 18 May 2011
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This is a good catch, we don't have that option now, but will look into adding it in the next releases.

Thank you,
 Posted Wed 18 May 2011
Supreme Being

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No problem, it's just that many small UK business' don't want to sell outside of the UK due to export, VAT and shipping nightmares. In an ideal world it would be easy for small business' to sell to the EU and other countries, but the hurdles we have to jump over make it not worth our while inviting non-UK customers to buy from the website!
 Posted Thu 19 May 2011
große Käse

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I think the reason it cannot be turned off easily is that in the skins, the menu itself might typically have a text label or some other formatting around it, which would not be turned off. We could move all this inside the control itself, but that would make it harder to find if people wanted to tweak that layout.

Simply removing the code might generate an error (although you can try it by editing the template).

Fortunately, it is easy to hide elements with CSS. Just change this in the skin template you are using:

<div id="currencymenu" class="infoblock">

to this

<div id="currencymenu" class="infoblock" style="display: none;">

This should hide this DIV and anything within it Smile

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 Posted Thu 19 May 2011
große Käse

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Regarding difficulties with VAT, also worth pointing out that Kartris handles EU vat well, including zeroing tax on orders from EU businesses that submit a valid EU vat number. It even checks the number against the official EU web service for validating vat numbers, and has a fallback format check function incase the web service is even inaccessible.

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 Posted Thu 19 May 2011
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Sorry to jump in...

We use the built in EU tax number check and have never had any problems selling throughout the EU. It is not so difficult, we also ship to a few countries outside (e.g Norway) but if you flag these as 0% VAT and ask for their ID number details here you should have no problems exporting with couriers (the Tax is payable locally).
Thu 19 May 2011 by Neil
 Posted Fri 20 May 2011
Supreme Being

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I used display: none; when I was doing the same thing building a skin for the last version of Cactushop but this time fancied a more permanent solution.

Anyway, I'll uncomment the currency menu and go back to CSS just in case losing the currency menu breaks the code.

Regarding EU export. we sell some very large items that would incur ridiculous freight charges. We have done it in the past, but not via a website because the freight charges are far too unpredictable to commit to a website menu option.

Small, basic items wouldn't be a problem, but I'm not sure yet whether it's possible to allow/disallow the sale of certain items to non-UK countries in Kartris.
 Posted Fri 20 May 2011
Supreme Being

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Small, basic items wouldn't be a problem, but I'm not sure yet whether it's possible to allow/disallow the sale of certain items to non-UK countries in Kartris.

I agree, might be of interest...

 Posted Sat 21 May 2011
große Käse

große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)große Käse - (544,962 reputation)

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If shipping is set to weight, it should be possible to have certain shipping zones only provide rates up to a particular weight (manually remove the 'all higher orders' record). That way, you can limit the weight of an order that can be sent overseas.

So you can have a high limit for the domestic zone (e.g. 50kg) and then a smaller one for Europe (maybe 10kg).

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