Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Wed 28 Jul 2010
Posts: 1,
Visits: 4
Hiyas. Everything went smooth all the way to step 6 when the following error message slapped me in my face. I tried to change permission on those folders, but it wouldnt let me. I'm using FrontPage 2003 by the way. Step 6 - Folder Permissions
Testing 'Images' Folder... FAILED!
Testing 'Uploads' Folder... FAILED!
Testing 'Payment' Folder... FAILED!
Error: Access to the path 'H:\wwwroot\moskuste\www\uploads\KartrisInstallTest.txt' is denied.
Access to the path 'H:\wwwroot\moskuste\www\Images\KartrisInstallTest.txt' is denied.
Access to the path 'H:\wwwroot\moskuste\www\Payment\KartrisInstallTest.txt' is denied. Thanks!
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Wed 18 Nov 2020
Posts: 148,
Visits: 3,450
When you said it wouldn't let you change permissions - can you give a bit more detail?
The cart will still work if it failed on this stage however 1) you'll find you won't be able to upload files via Kartris, eg uploading product images via backend - attempting this would throw a permissions error 2) at the final stage of installation the software attempts to make changes to your web.config file - with this permissions problem its is likely it would fail, but it will give you the option to download the file instead, and you can then manually replace the web.config with the revised one.
Did you use the Microsoft web platform installer to install? If you are installing on a local machine (rather than on an ISPs remote server) this is definitely the easiest way to install.