Categories = high number how best to do it

Posted By amscompanies Tue 19 Apr 2011
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 Posted Tue 19 Apr 2011
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)Supreme Being - (8,471 reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Wed 8 Feb 2012
Posts: 11, Visits: 1,149
So I have a bit of a problem planning a large site, I have the potential for 500,000 products (which will of course me a licenced version), but I have a few issues before I take the plunge.

Firstly, not all products will have images or stock to start with, so that poses two problems firstly the no image appearing ALOT !! Secondly, no ability to add the items to a wishlist due to the outofstock buying option being switched off.

Secondly, with the huge number of products, all can appear in at least TWO categories as my structure is as follows:

Club -> Season -> Product item

Arsenal -> 2010/2011 -> Arsenal v Aston Villa

Meaning that product should also appear in

Aston Villa -> 2010/2011 - >  Arsenal v Aston Villa

The above setup means I'm going to have ALOT of categories, I have around 1000 clubs each will have around 100 seasons, meaning a potential for 100,000 categories, which is abit excessive IMO.

My idea would be to include a few product atrributes to each item, Home Team, Away Team, Season

You could then filter search results by choosing ALL Home Team = Arsenal, or ALL Home or Away Team = Arsenal but you could also further filter the results by selecting the season

My results would thenbe easier to navigate, (although I think this may need further coding work ??)

Is anyone available to do some custom work for me ?
 Posted Wed 20 Apr 2011
große Käse

große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)große Käse - (533,478 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
The number of categories is probably ok from the system point of view; I think it could handle these.

Using attributes and searching is probably the way to go though as this would avoid the complexity of all those categories, and would also allow a better way of finding products for customers through a customized search.

v1.3 is just about ready to go, and one of the major changes is that all the code for pages, controls, templates and the business-logic-layer and data-access-layers is now open. This makes customizations far more practical, as well as making bug fixes and minor upgrades much simpler.

Using the attributes model, you could code special attributes such as

Product item

Attributes can be hidden from display on the product (since they're not really needed in your case once the user has found the item), but still included in the search. It would also be possible to create a custom search with dropdowns for Club, Season and Product item which would then run a search.

It would require some custom coding - we can do this if required - just drop an email through the contact form on the web site and we'll get back to you.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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