Font Sizing

Posted By thedrumdoctor Fri 8 Apr 2011
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 Posted Fri 8 Apr 2011
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)Supreme Being - (73,097 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Mon 21 May 2018
Posts: 94, Visits: 266
Is there a specific reason why the style sheets use point instead of em for font sizing? The general rule of thumb seems to be that point is for print rather than screen and with Kartris' big improvement towards WC3, it seems that using point's instead of em's is something carried over from Cactushop. Just wondered if this was going to be changed for future releases.
 Posted Mon 11 Apr 2011
große Käse

große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
From 1.3 onwards, we are sizing headline fonts in the first few styles in the general.css. From then on, we just use %. So it will be easy to change the headline ones to use em or px, and then just tweak the % values throughout if required.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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