Migrated Orders from Cactushop

Posted By metalmania Sat 27 Jun 2015
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 Posted Sat 27 Jun 2015
Supreme Being

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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 21 Jun 2016
Posts: 36, Visits: 165
After migrating orders from Cactushop v6 via the Data Tool into Kartris, then I've found that the order status cannot be updated. This might be "as designed", but I thought I would point it out here for information.
The "fix" for this, is to make the O_DATA column something other than null. e.g. just set it to "MIGRATED ORDER".
This allows any orders than might be part way through the order process (e.g. not dispatched yet) to be updated as required.
As the migrated order does not have the necessary XML generated in the O_DATA column, then you can't "amend" the order but at least you can progress the status.
The only real alternative to the above, is to make sure you actually mark all your orders as complete/dispatched etc BEFORE you migrate, which might not be feasible in some instances.

I'm using Kartris v2.8004 and Datatool v2.8000

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