Category Menu Ordering

Posted By metalmania Wed 24 Jun 2015
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 Posted Wed 24 Jun 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,046 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 21 Jun 2016
Posts: 36, Visits: 165
I have encountered a strange issue when changing the frontend.categories.display.sortdirection to "D" (Descending) and the sort default is using CH_OrderNo (i.e. manually ordering the categories).
I was expecting this to simply reverse the order of the categories (the main/top level categories in my case).
However, when you change the category order (via the up/down arrows) it sets the CH_OrderNo to null in tblKartrisCategoryHierarchy and eventually you end up with the categories sorted in Descending alphabetical name order.

If you change the sortdirection back to "A" (Ascending) then you can't re-order the categories manually because the CH_OrderNo has been nullified.

The only solution (that I've found) is to manually reset the CH_OrderNo back to a numeric value (via SQL) and start/stop the web site/application pool.

There is nothing in the user guide to suggest the sort direction does not apply when using CH_OrderNo apart from the sentence "Top level categories are always manually sorted."
so, users might encounter problems if they set the sub-categories to sort descending via the config but still want to sort the top-level ones manually (and not descending by name).

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