Shipping rates by Dimension

Posted By bpaluch Wed 22 Apr 2015
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 Posted Wed 22 Apr 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 23 Jul 2020
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Carriers have switched their rate requests to require dimensions, and this will go into effect soon. I believe UPS, FedEx and USPS will all be requiring dimensions in rate requests.

Customers have begun asking for this.

It will require 3 more fields on the versions table for Length, Width, Depth, and then passing those fields to the carrier in addition to the weight.
 Posted Fri 24 Apr 2015
Top Banana

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I'd guess its a little more complicated.

Its fine if people order only one item, but what if they order several? Need to implement an algorithm that can work out the best way to package multiple items.

Eg imagine I have a product that ships in a package that is 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. If I ship one to a client we know the dimensions of the package but what about if they order 7?

It's more likely that I'd package in a relatively standard box, eg I can fit all 7 into a box 20cm x 20cm x 20cm (in fact I could fit 8 in it).

Or I could put all 7 in a row, and have a package 10cm x 10cm x 70cm.

Which will be cheaper? The 20x20x20cm box is actually bigger (8000cm3) than the 10x10x70cm one (7000cm3). But shippers may charge more for a longer package, especially as you scale this up and might have one a metre or two in length. So we'd need code to try to optimize packing using the cheapest box size first.
 Posted Tue 28 Apr 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,240 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Thu 23 Jul 2020
Posts: 70, Visits: 175
Hm, I thought you could send the package dimension per product, and let the carrier do the rest, but of course if not, it's definitely more complex!

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