using category filters provided in power pack

Posted By holtcomp Wed 11 Mar 2015
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 Posted Wed 11 Mar 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,063 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Wed 18 May 2016
Posts: 12, Visits: 145

I'm just trying to get to grips with the filtering tool in the power pack and i am having some difficulty trying to get a particular configuration working.

I have a shoe retail site and i want to set the filtering up so the customer can refine his search by price, colour, style and shoe size.

The price filter works fine, the colour is fine and the style is fine because they are all attributes at product level. The shoe size is a problem though because it is set up as a version of the product or it can be set up as an option. My attempts so far have failed to get the desired results, any ideas ?


 Posted Wed 11 Mar 2015
große Käse

große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)große Käse - (545,344 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
Not sure shoe size would work as a filterable option, because the filter is really filtering products, which it does based on attributes of the product. Probably the closest you could get is setting up two attribute of 'from size' and 'to size' and then for each shoe setting the highest and lowest shoe size.

Anyone searching would then have to select the minimum and maximums that would include their preferred shoe size. The only other option would be to set up individual products for each size of shoe, which isn't really ideal.

What you could do, which might work better, is to ensure each version name includes the size, for example.

XYZ Model ABC [size 12]

Looking at the powerpack search, it searches version name (and also the version description, so you could use that if you preferred).

Then, you could add an extra text field to the filters for 'shoe size', add this to the keywords field text but with some delimiter like [[[ ]]] around it. Then modify spKartrisProducts_FilterByCatID so it removes that delimited text from the general search, but tacks on an extra 'and' to the keyword search that looks for [size 12] or whatever in the version name.

This would certainly work, it's not a huge job. The powerpack code is completely open, so everything is certainly in there to make this work I think.

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