Returning customer delivery address

Posted By simmyspike Mon 9 Mar 2015
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 Posted Mon 9 Mar 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)Supreme Being - (4,120 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 10 Apr 2016
Posts: 7, Visits: 19

I've setup a shop which is currently being used at

I have a problem with selecting the delivery address for existing customers. If they have a saved delivery address then no options show to either select your existing address or enter a new one.
Everything works fine for new customers who don't have a saved delivery address.

Let me know any information I can provide to help diagnose the problem.

 Posted Thu 11 Jun 2015
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)Supreme Being - (27,522 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 21 Jun 2016
Posts: 36, Visits: 165
When you say "existing customer" does that mean you migrated the customers into your new Kartris shop from somewhere else? If so and you used the Data Tool it might be that it hasn't set the ADR_TYPE to 'u'. If this is left blank then the migrated addresses don't show up but ARE actually in the database. I've just come across this myself when testing a migration from a Cactushop v6 database.
Simply running an SQL update like the one below should set the type correctly for all the "existing" ones (ie the ones without a type set).
UPDATE [yourkartrisdbname].[dbo].[tblKartrisAddresses]

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