Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 18 Aug 2015
Posts: 16,
Visits: 69
I'm ready to go live, live SQL DB credentials are different from staging.Do I change KartrisSQLConnection to read new conn string? Also staging connstring was Integrated Security=True, live connstring is pwd,usr do I need to make changes elsewhere? thanks
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Wed 18 Nov 2020
Posts: 148,
Visits: 3,450
You should only have to change the data connection string in web.config file - once its changed there and correct, all database interactions will use that.
The other things I'd typically check when going live from a staging server is 1) check that image upload (ie adding images to products) works, as well as deleting images. 2) check mail sending works (ie put a message through the contact form and see if you get it), the mail sending settings like mailserver IP etc might be different between the two servers 3) check payment - ie make sure users are able to pay!