Staging to Live
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By Soph - Sun 1 Mar 2015
I'm ready to go live, live SQL DB credentials are different from staging.Do I change KartrisSQLConnection to read new conn string?
Also staging connstring was Integrated Security=True, live connstring is pwd,usr do I need to make changes elsewhere?
By Mart - Sun 1 Mar 2015
You should only have to change the data connection string in web.config file - once its changed there and correct, all database interactions will use that.

The other things I'd typically check when going live from a staging server is
1) check that image upload (ie adding images to products) works, as well as deleting images.
2) check mail sending works (ie put a message through the contact form and see if you get it), the mail sending settings like mailserver IP etc might be different between the two servers
3) check payment - ie make sure users are able to pay!
By Paul - Sun 1 Mar 2015
Also, don't forget to reset your webshopURL and webshopfolder config settings, if required (e.g. if the live URL is different to the one you've been running on). Otherwise, you will find the front end keeps redirecting to the test URL.

You can however login to the back end through any domain which resolves, and it won't redirect, so you can access that to change the config settings.

Just search in the back end for 'webshop' and it'll find both. Don't forget the slash at the end, it's important.