Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sat 20 Jun 2015
Posts: 36,
Visits: 118
I see the category user control in Template.master: <!-- MENU OPTIONS: CategoryMenu CategoryMenuAccordion CategoryMenuDropDownSelect
--> Template.master, user:CategoryMenu ID= <user:CategoryMenu ID="UC_CategoryMenuCSSFoldout" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" Visible="true" />
Could you tell me how to change it to CategoryMenuDropDownSelect?
Thank you.
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sat 20 Jun 2015
Posts: 36,
Visits: 118
Answered, I think:
Replace the following in Template.master: <user:CategoryMenu ID="UC_CategoryMenuCSSFoldout" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" Visible="true" />
with category meny controls found in Skin folder (e.g. CategoryMenuAccordion.ascx) You may have to add EnableViewState="False" as this was not added by the VS2012.