What is the recommended mode to be running Kartris in?
The reason I ask is because following my issues with the Callback page, I have found the following:
It appears that if running in Integrated mode, I have the following issues with the payment system:
The checkout page goes off to the payment gateway as it is supposed to, the payment is made and the payment gateway returns to Callback.aspx.
The callback page, instead of confirming the successful transaction and redirecting to CheckoutComplete.aspx throws an unknown error. It is unknown because it never gets written to the logs. If CustomErrors is set to 'On' in the web.config file, then the customer gets shunted through to Error.aspx. If Customer errors are set to 'Off', the customer gets shunted to the Customer.aspx (My Account) page.
The customer never actually sees an Order Confirmation. As a result of this, we have had several phone calls and cancelled orders, one customer placed his order 3 times as he wasn't sure whether or not the payment had gone through.
Also, if running in Integrated Mode, I am unable to be logged into the backend and frontend at the same time. If I am logged in to the frontend as a 'customer' and the backend as Admin, any changes I attemt to make in the backend result in me being redirected to the frontend My Account page, yet in Classic mode, it works as it should.
The only issue I have with running in Classic Mode, is that the graphs don't work in the backend, yet work perfectly in Integrated mode.