Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 31 Mar 2015
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I am looking at importing customer details from an old Cactushop database. Although the database has been deleted, the customer data has been saved into an excel spreadsheet.
The data has been converted to an older Excel 93-97 format and using Datatools I have tried to import.
However, a message appears; [Data Sheet] 13333 records/lines detected. Unexpected number of columns: 14. Please select another file/sheet (should be 2 columns or 29+ coulmns).
Please can you provide guidance on importing customer details.
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807,
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The Data Tool can only import product data from spreadsheet, not customer data. It can import customer data from CactuShop databases though.
If you only have the data in spreadsheet format then the only way to import it would be to write some kind of script in .vbs to read it in line by line to the Kartris customers table. Also, our CactuShop import hashes passwords too; it uses the web.config hashsalt value and creates the random salt per record too, appends these and hashes in exactly the same way Kartris's account creation does, so that users can continue to use the same password they used on CactuShop (though it is hashed in the database within Kartris). Implementing this in your script would be quite complex, so you may find it's better to add in a random value instead and force customers to do a password reset.
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Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807,
Visits: 2,748
Actually, a better option might be to import into a CactuShop db and then use the Data Tool on that - still need a .vbs to do the data into CactuShop, but this way you can let the Data Tool handle the hard work of the password hashing, by importing customers from CactuShop to Kartris with the Data Tool.
-- If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.
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