Data Tool from other programs or scripts which can run as scheduled tasks.

Posted By Steve Fri 16 May 2014
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Data Tool from other programs or scripts which can run as scheduled...

Author Message
 Posted Fri 16 May 2014
Supreme Being

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Fri 16 May 2014
Posts: 1, Visits: 1

At the bottom of your page: There's a section:

"...Can I automate the process?

Yes, there is command-line support, so you can call the Data Tool from other programs or scripts which can run as scheduled tasks. For example if you have an external stock system that can output new products or stock levels in CSV format, you could write a .vbs routine triggered by a scheduled task to import the new products automatically every night..."

I am a web developer for a client who is using a Kartris store, this sounds a lot like what we're needing. Do you have any more information about this part "scripts which can run as scheduled tasks. For example if you have an external stock system that can output new products or stock levels in CSV format, you could write a .vbs routine triggered by a scheduled task to import the new products automatically" anything at all, any places to look for additional information about that, or can you expand on that.

Thank you

Chandler. AZ
 Posted Sat 17 May 2014
große Käse

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Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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In windows, look for 'task scheduler' or 'schedule tasks'. This is built in windows functionality that lets you run tasks on a periodic basis, daily, weekly, monthly, one off, or even every hour or every X minutes.

.vbs scripts are text scripts written in vbscript (which is similar to the script language typically used in classic ASP) which can read files, copy files, connect to databases, and so on. There is also a newer scripting technology in Windows called 'powershell', which is more like .NET - these can also be triggered by scheduled tasks.

You can schedule the data tool to run as a scheduled task directly, passing in the required parameters. Or you can instead call the data tool from within a .vbs file and have that .vbs called by a scheduled task instead. That's a good solution if you need some kind of pre-processing of whatever file you're running in with the data tool, or if you need to actually format the import file from another database, for example.

If you google for scheduled tasks, powershell and vbs, you should find a wealth of information on doing this.

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Sat 17 May 2014 by Paul

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