'Handle the pricedifferently if basket item is from a custom product
Dim strCustomControlName AsString = ObjectConfigBLL.GetValue("K:product.customcontrolname",objItem.ProductID)
If NotString.IsNullOrEmpty(strCustomControlName) Then
Dim strParameterValuesAs String = FixNullFromDB(drwBasketValues("CustomText"))
'Split the custom textfield
Dim arrParameters AsString() = Split(strParameterValues, "|||")
' arrParameters(0)contains the comma separated list of the custom control's parameters values
' we don't use thisvalue when loading the basket, this is only needed when validating the price inthe checkout
' arrParameters(1)contains the custom description of the item
If NotString.IsNullOrEmpty(arrParameters(1)) Then
objItem.VersionName= arrParameters(1)
End If
' arrParameters(2)contains the custom price
objItem.Price =arrParameters(2)
'just set the optionprice to 0 just to be safe
objItem.OptionPrice =Math.Round(0, CurrencyRoundNumber)
' arrParameters(3) contains the custom weight
objItem.Weight = arrParameters(3)
Catch ex As Exception
'Failed to retrievecustom price, ignore this basket item
objItem.Quantity = 0
End Try
End If