Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:54147

Posted By l4j3 Mon 3 Feb 2014
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Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:54147

Author Message
 Posted Mon 3 Feb 2014
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)Supreme Being - (776 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 4 Feb 2014
Posts: 1, Visits: 10

Hello all,

I have successfully completed the Kartris installsequence as I (eventually) got the Kartris-Install ‘Step 8 – Setup Complete’page with the notation “Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up yourKartris shopping cart.” I then clicked thepage’s Store admin area (private)link which resulted in another page that prompted me for my Kartris adminpassword. I then returned to the ‘Step 8’page and clicked on the Store frontend (public) link which resulted in the error :

‘Firefox can’t establisha connection to the server at localhost:54147’.

I also tired to connect via the url http://localhost/kartrisdev/ whichresulted in the same error. I then triedthis url from Internet Explorer and got the error “Your not connected to anetwork”.

Any ideas???

Here are some notes about the current state of myKartris environment…


§ Win 7 standalone box.

§ IIS 7.5

§ Box exists on Private Network (shows as ‘Unidentifiednetwork’ in Network and Sharing Center).

§ SQL Server 2012

§ Firefox browser (although I also use InternetExplorer whenever I need to ensure that Firefox is not causing an error/problemI encounter).

Note that due to Kartris installation-error fix-attempts,the KartrisDev environment currently:

1. User ‘everyone’ has full permissions on myKartris web directory (along with users ‘Network Service’ and ‘IISAppPool\DefaultAppPool’).

2. Firewall is turned off (for both public &private networks).

I followed the Kartris installation instructions(delineated in User Guide On IIS 7+ with thefollowing exceptions:

1. ‘KartrisDev’was used in place of ‘Kartris’ wherever applicable (database name, folder name,web alias, etc.

2. ‘KartrisDev’ was added as a virtual directoryand then converted to a web application.

a. My ‘KartrisDev’ folder exists on another volume.

3. I didchoose to run Uploads/Resources/kartrisSQL_MainData.sql from SQL Server ManagementStudio.

Thank you!

 Posted Wed 5 Feb 2014
große Käse

große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)große Käse - (546,242 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
Posts: 807, Visits: 2,748
Do you have any other sites running on the same server? For example, forgetting kartris for now, if you set up a new site in IIS called KartrisDev2, can you access that fine on http://localhost/KartrisDev2/ ?

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