Paypal unfinished orders

Posted By JediRx7 Thu 23 Jan 2014
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 Posted Thu 23 Jan 2014
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 21 May 2015
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This problem has been presented here before but no resolution was ever posted. I am reviving it hoping to get it solved.

When SSL is enabled on my site and Paypal is used as the payment method, everything appears to work all the way through Paypal approving the transaction and returning you to my site....however, the order shows up as an unfinished order and no email notifications are sent to the customer or myself. In other words, the order doesn't complete. Paypal is unable to send the IPN to Kartris. Turn SSL off and everything works normally.

Surely, other users have experienced this. Has anyone ever figured out how to make it work with SSL enabled?

 Posted Wed 20 May 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 18 Jun 2015
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Hi Jedd,

Did you ever get a resolution for Paypal on your site? We are having the exact same problem.

Many thanks

 Posted Wed 20 May 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Tue 26 May 2015
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I'm having the same problem, the payment gets processed via Paypal, but the order doesn't show in the customers account or the back end.

The only thing is I need to have SSL enabled
 Posted Thu 21 May 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 18 Jun 2015
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We have SSL installed and are still getting the same problem. If you search for the order number it appears but does not display int he list.

The error that is being logged is:

Callback Failure: INVALID
Paypal didn't return a VERIFIED response (response message: INVALID)
 Posted Wed 17 Jun 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 18 Jun 2015
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So having trawled though all of the data of successful vs. unverified transactions it looks as though it is the telephone number that is causing the problem.

If a customer uses a mobile number in their account then the transaction succeeds. If they use a UK landline number the trasnsaction is processed but returns as unverified thus preventing Kartris from completing the order confirmation. The customer and store both receive paypal order confirmations but nothing is sent from Kartris and the order does not appear on the list unless searched for.

Kartris - please could you let me know your thoughts on this?


Wed 17 Jun 2015 by TheCalicoTree
 Posted Wed 26 Aug 2015
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Tue 21 Jun 2016
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I'm just wondering (not done any testing on this really) if the Kartris instructions for setting up paypal when using SSL are correct.
In the manual it says The Notification URL should be
If you are running under SSL should this not be
Also, if you specify Callback-PayPal.aspx rather than Callback.aspx?g=paypal then this triggers a rewritepath(redirect) in the Global.asax
Redirects can cause problems with losing cookies/tokens and may cause the callback routine problems determining the orderid - although it should come from the callback info returned rather than relying on cookies.

I've also found that if the customer registers with 1 address on the checkout pages/site but then chooses a different address in paypal, then this gets flagged as "INVALID", even though the paypal address chosen could be "Confirmed" (which is important for seller protection eligibility).
It would be good if Kartris could actually store the returned values payer_status (eg Verified/Unverified), the address_status (Confirmed/Unconfirmed) and the protection_eligibility and display this against the order/customer.

Also, you should check that IPN notifications are also Enabled in paypal
Paypal has a habit of automatically disabling IPN if it encounters a number of callback failures.
Wed 26 Aug 2015 by metalmania

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