Exporting products for printed Catalogue

Posted By Jon Shepherd Thu 12 Dec 2013
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Jon Shepherd
 Posted Thu 12 Dec 2013
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Sun 14 Aug 2016
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We have a large product set spread over 9 categories. I'd like to export the product data and images into a format that I can use as the basis for a printed catalogue.

Does anybody have any ideas or better still does anyone know of any software for constructing catalogues from datafilee?
 Posted Fri 13 Dec 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)große Käse - (533,674 reputation)

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Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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InDesign (adobe) is a popular package for creating literature and it does seem to support import of XML or other data. There are third party tools to help with this. This blog has some info.


You'd need some kind of script or process to export the Kartris data in a suitable format, probably XML is best (although depending on the site of your db, it could get very big so might need to export individual categories separately).

Most of the solutions will probably end up costing from $1000 upwards, but once in place it should be possible to automate or significantly reduce the effort required to create each print catalogue.

If you need help creating suitable XML exports from Kartris, it's the kind of custom job we can quote for - can drop something through our contact form or PM me if you need help with this part.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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