Data Tool file import V2.5040 limits field P_Desc1 to 255 Characters

Posted By Neil Wed 16 Oct 2013
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Data Tool file import V2.5040 limits field P_Desc1 to 255 Characters

Author Message
 Posted Wed 16 Oct 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)große Käse - (487,042 reputation)

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Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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Yes, I recall this is something to do with drivers and how they handle joins.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Wed 16 Oct 2013
Supreme Being

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OK just tried this again on my production server and it worked fine. I can only think it had something to do settings/drivers on the local machine I was using.
 Posted Wed 16 Oct 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)Supreme Being - (118,411 reputation)

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Hi, as per post title, the datatool seems to only populate the database using the first 255 characters in the P_Desc1 field when importing from a file (have not tested other fields). We have a field length of up to 1700 characters.

This appears to be the case for both CSV and XLS files.

We think this might be some sort of driver problem as we had a similar thing happen when we were exporting from access to excel.

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