Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Wed 2 Oct 2013
Posts: 0,
Visits: 6
I'm encountering the same issue posted on 9/9/2013 Topic "Problems at checkout with". I am trying to get AuthorizeNet SIM to work but I get the following error messages:
Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction results to it. Transaction ID: 99999999
Transaction Result: This transaction have been approved.
The following message was displayed to the customer:
------------------------An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge your credit card.
This transaction has been approved.
It is advisable for you to contact the merchant to verify that you will receive the product or service.
I followed the instructions in the User Guide to the letter (17.5 AuthorizeNet SIM).
Relay Response: https://store.{websitename}.com/callback.aspx?g=authorizenetsim
Receipt Page: https://store.{websitename}.com/checkoutcomplete.aspx
I reviewed the error log and find out the gateway gets to the Callback.aspx page but is unable to show nothing: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Version:2.5003 >> URL: >> Page: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 9/30/2013 4:36:14 PM >> XX.XX.XX.XX >> DESCRIPTION: Successful Callback Log (frontend.payment.debugmode.enabled=y): FF: x_response_code=1&x_response_reason_code=1&x_response_reason_text=This+transaction+has+been+approved.&x_avs_code=Y&x_auth_code=444NUM&x_trans_id=2199087411&x_method=CC&x_card_type=American+Express&x_account_number=XXXX8546&x_first_name=John&x_last_name=Doe&x_company=&x_address=3730+E.+First+Street.&x_city=Atlanta&x_state=GA&x_zip=30312&x_country=US&x_phone=555557889x_fax=& QS: g=authorizenetsim
When I turn SSL off, everything works except the receipt page is not formatted properly. According to AuthorizeNet, the page must consist of pure HTML in order to format the page properly.
When I turn SSL on, I receive the above error message. I checked the cer's domain name and it is correct. We just purchased the cer a week and 1/2 ago. Therefore, we know it has not expired. My research lead me to the same article the poster under the topic "Problems at checkout with" found. ( It explains the problem and the possible solutions, but I wasn't able to successfully apply any of them to solve ours problem.
Has anyone encountered this issue? Has anyone been successful in setting up AuthorizeNet SIM payment option?
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Tue 3 Dec 2013
Posts: 99,
Visits: 1,400
Hi, have you tried just using http in Authorize.Net's Merchant Management System? ->
Does it work if you do this? I think there'll be no difference security wise as the callback is done server to server through the background. It would be very difficult for someone to intercept the transaction as he has to sniff all the calls that goes out from Authorize.NET servers to do this.