Image Replacement for Responsive Designs

Posted By ianguest Mon 19 Aug 2013
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 Posted Mon 19 Aug 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)Supreme Being - (49,208 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 31 Mar 2015
Posts: 68, Visits: 185
I am looking into replacing the login and shopping basket links to images for small mobile type screens. This would allow the links to be represented by a small logo for each and provide a simple cleaner layout.

Is this possible? And does anyone have any suggestions on code?
 Posted Mon 19 Aug 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)große Käse - (534,510 reputation)

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Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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If you check the code in the UserControls/Front/BasketView.aspx, you can find the mini basket section. Near the top of this, there is some code which shows the basket link. Typically for most sites, it shows a dropdown type full basket summary for full size screens, but just a link for small screens.

This is the code:

            <div class="compactminibasket show-for-touch" style="display: none;">
<asp:Literal ID="litCompactShoppingBasket2" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" />

<div id="minibasket" class="infoblock hide-for-touch">
<div id="minibasket_header">

From here, you can see the text of the link is formed for a literal control called litCompactShoppingBasket2. You need to find this in the codebehind, and you should see the string of text that is built up and added to

Just need to change this code to call an image, remove the text, etc.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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