How to upgrade from 2.0002 to 2.5003?

Posted By stringerbell Tue 6 Aug 2013
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 Posted Tue 6 Aug 2013
Supreme Being

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Last Active: Thu 8 May 2014
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What's the correct and easiest way for upgrading versions without losing existing data?
We've added fields to some tables and modified some stored procedures for linking orders and users data to an external database, and losing all what has been made isn't an option.

We created a parallel installation in IIS7 for 2.5003 and tried connecting it to the existing database, by changing the connection string in web.config, but with no avail because it keeps firing up the installation wizard. How can we make the connection without using the wizard?

Do you have a comparative table of what changed from 2.0002 to 2.5003 database wise?

 Posted Tue 6 Aug 2013
Top Banana

Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)Top Banana - (101,091 reputation)

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The install routine gets called based on code in the webconfig. You should see something like this...

You might also need to 'break' the KartrisSQLConnection above, so the db isn't found -->
<!--<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="SqlResourceProviderFactory" culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>-->

When you install kartris it uncomments the tag, and therefore the installer doesn't fire in future. So you can edit this manually to achieve the same result.
Tue 6 Aug 2013 by Mart
 Posted Tue 6 Aug 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)große Käse - (537,810 reputation)

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Have added some info on running upgrades here:

Generally for major versions we would remove all sprocs and recreate the latest ones. But the upgrading from v2.0002 to 2.5 should not do this, it will just change the sprocs that have changed. But obviously if you have changed ones which we're changing, you're going to have to remake those changes. Similarly with any pages or user controls you've modified directly.

It's unavoidable really, it's not technically possible to create updates which can magically tread around or merge whatever modifications a customer might have made with our own newer code.

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