Live currency rates - sheduling

Posted By askomit Thu 25 Apr 2013
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 Posted Thu 25 Apr 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 11 Aug 2013
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Is it possible to have Live currency rates updates to be scheduled (eg. cron job) so lets say its triggered every day at 7:00 in the morning or any other custom value?

I did not see any mention of this in user manual...
 Posted Tue 30 Apr 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)Supreme Being - (20,490 reputation)

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That would be a great function to have as the rates change so frequently
 Posted Tue 30 Apr 2013
große Käse

große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)große Käse - (544,968 reputation)

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Last Active: Tue 10 Sep 2024
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It's not at present. Updating currencies automatically is something we've considered though it would need some work to get that working.

The biggest worry we had was updating rates with no manual approval process. It just seems a bit risky if something goes wrong. I'm thinking maybe instead we could set a time limit, and it would nag you to update rates in the task list if the period has passed.

The ECB feed does seem pretty reliable though - in the past the requests came into our server, so the manual process was one way of helping limit requests, but I am pretty sure the ECB could keep up with the load.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Tue 30 Apr 2013
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)Supreme Being - (33,324 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Sun 11 Aug 2013
Posts: 0, Visits: 178
i know that on other scripts that i'm using, there is one cron job (WHMCS) that is triggered one time a day at specific time. in my case 7:00 in the morning that triggers first currency updates, checks if there is some invoice to be created, accounts suspended or unsuspended etc... all with one cron job...

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