How to transfer kartris to live site?

Posted By rocknet Tue 15 Nov 2011
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 Posted Tue 15 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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I'm been working on Kartris on my PC. I installed it using web Matrix.

My plan is to upgrade my online Cactushop with Kartris.

I've got the default site working on my localhost. I have also installed the default Kartis site on the web using the online App galley.

Now I want to be able to simply transfer my local site over to the live site but don't seem to be able to do it. Everything works fine on both sites so I was hoping to simnply be able to export the database from my local PC (as a database baxckup) and use it to overwrite the database on the live site.

The problem is that when I try to access the home page of the live site it redirects me to the home page on my local PC. e.g http://localhost:31689/default.aspx

That is where Kartris sits on machine.

Clearly the database is responsible for this but how do I perform the transfer from my own PC to a live website? My web host told me that they don't support the web deploy feature.

Any help would be appreciated.

 Posted Wed 16 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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You will need to change the config setting general.webshopurlconfig to point to the root of the website. If your shop in in a folder you will also need to add this in the general.webshopfoldersetting.
 Posted Wed 16 Nov 2011
große Käse

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Yes, make sure too the values are in the right format. The URL config setting should be:

(don't forget the slash at the end).

The folder setting should be blank, assuming you're running on the root of the web (which is how the vast majority of sites will be set up).

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 Posted Wed 16 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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Thanks guys. I can now see exactly what you mean on my local site.

For some reason though I cannot logon to the live site admin panel. Does the admin password get trasferred across with the database or do I need to make changes to any of the Kartris config pages themselves?

 Posted Thu 17 Nov 2011
große Käse

große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)große Käse - (523,464 reputation)

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One thing you will have to make sure is that the 'hashsalt' value in the web.config matches on both sites. This hash value is used for hashing (scrambling) passwords in the database.

If the hashsalt is wrong, any password you enter will be incorrectly hashed before comparison to the stored value in the database - and so it will think your password is wrong.

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Thu 17 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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Thanks Paul. Now it sounds like I might be in businesss. I'll give it a go tomorrow and hopefully it will be good to go.

 Posted Thu 17 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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It's nearly working. I can now access the admin panel. I have also changed the general.webshopurl to reflect the website url.

All functions on the admin panel seem to work but there's a problem when I try to view to shop's home page or any other front end page.

It gives the following error....


An error occurred. The system has written a log file entry.

Any ideas anyone?


 Posted Fri 18 Nov 2011
Top Banana

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What does the error in the logfile say?
 Posted Tue 22 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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OK. It's all sorted now. Thanks for everyone's help.

I did a full re-install of everything and followed the suggestions above.

Here's a summary...

1: I generated a database backup from my local (PC) kartris installation. I did this using SQL server management studio.

2: Then I used this database to overwrite the web-based kartris database.

3: It was at this point that I initially struck a problem, but thanks to people in this thread it's now sorted. You need to get the Hash Salt key from you local web.config file... Then use this to overwrite the Hash-Salt key in your live web.config file.

4: Then visit From the menu... go into 'configuration', then 'config settings', then 'general' then 'general.webshopurl'. Change the settings from your local host address to the URL of your live shop.

If anyone from Kartris is reading this then I hope I've not left anything out. Also, even though it worked for me I'm wondering if this is the best way to do it?

It works. Which is good enough for me.

 Posted Wed 23 Nov 2011
Supreme Being

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I shouldrify point 4 on my above post.

When you click the webshop url button, your browser will try to open you localhost again.

What you need to do at this point is substitute the localhost part of the url with your livesite.

e.g http://localhost:41450/


You will then be directed to the page that lets you change the webshop url.


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