There are different ways to do that, here is a simple one:
1. Use the "Front\ProductAttributes.ascx" as a guide to create another attribute control (for your chosen one) - (preferably to copy the control, and then give it another name like 'SeparateAttribute.ascx')
2. Create a new tab in the "Front\ProductView.ascx" control and place an instance of the created control in step no.1 above, don't forget to register the control at the top of the ProductView.ascx page, check the file for more details on how to do that.
Let us say your chosen attribute (that needs to be alone in the new tab) has the db ID (ATTRIB_ID) = 20
3. In "Front\ProductAttributes.ascx.vb"
Change this:
rptAttributes.DataSource = tblAttributes.DefaultView
By this:
Dim dv As DataView = tblAttributes.DefaultView
dv.RowFilter = "ATTRIB_ID <> 20"
rptAttributes.DataSource = dv
4. In the newly created control
Change this:
rptAttributes.DataSource = tblAttributes.DefaultView
By this:
Dim dv As DataView = tblAttributes.DefaultView
dv.RowFilter = "ATTRIB_ID = 20"
rptAttributes.DataSource = dv
Save your changes and here you go ..
There are other alternative ways, one could be applied to the same control, but it will be a bit confusing, another will require changing or creating stored procedures (if you have too many attributes), but the above one is very simple and straight forward if you have couple of attributes rather than many attributes.