Step 6 of the installation

Posted By pupazo84 Wed 29 Sep 2010
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 Posted Wed 29 Sep 2010
Supreme Being

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Mon 11 Oct 2010
Posts: 3, Visits: 29
In the Kartris installation on a shared hosting I'm having a problem in step number 6 "Folder Permisions", all the folder tests failed, I know that is the ASPNET permissions over the Images, Uploads and Payments Folders but what do you advise me in order to pass these tests?
 Posted Wed 29 Sep 2010
große Käse

große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)große Käse - (545,280 reputation)

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Kartris tests these folders because it needs write permissions to those folders in order for many functions such as uploading images for products to work.

If the required permissions are not present, you will probably need to check with the host to see whether it is possible to grant write permissions to these folders. If the host cannot give these required permissions, then it might still be possible to use Kartris, but you'd have to rename and FTP up images and other uploaded files instead, which is not really practical or user-friendly.

Out of interest, could you say which host this is?

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Wed 29 Sep 2010
Supreme Being

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Mon 11 Oct 2010
Posts: 3, Visits: 29
I use IX web Hosting, so far they've been good in all the aspects about a web hosting, I'm going to talk to them in order to grant ASPNET user full control to my root folder and all child folders.

Thank you very much
 Posted Thu 30 Sep 2010
Top Banana

Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)

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Last Active: Wed 18 Nov 2020
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Having full permissions on the root isn't so essential - you can update the web.config file manually (via FTP) as this doesn't need to be done on a regular basis.

But you do need to have permissions to upload to the images folders (to enable you to add images via the backend). However you don't need to have script execute permissions on these (from a security point of view its best not to have upload rights AND script permissions on the same folders.
 Posted Tue 5 Oct 2010
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)Supreme Being - (2,269 reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Mon 11 Oct 2010
Posts: 3, Visits: 29
I got it Mart, but I'm still stuck in step 6, I'm clicking the next button and doesn't lead me to step 7, I can't go on to the next steps to download the web.config.

Thank you
 Posted Tue 5 Oct 2010
Top Banana

Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)Top Banana - (102,517 reputation)

Group: Administrators
Last Active: Wed 18 Nov 2020
Posts: 148, Visits: 3,450
Would it be possible for you to PM (personal message) me with a link to your site, and any details I need to run the installer so I can take a look?


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