Beginner Questions

Posted By jenkins Sat 13 Aug 2011
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 Posted Sat 13 Aug 2011
Supreme Being

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Sat 3 Sep 2011
Posts: 16, Visits: 43
Hi there,

Apologies if some of these questions have been asked before and if they are in the wrong forum section. I have been looking around the cart as I am evaluating it to replace the current ecommerce software.

- I cant find where to change the Skin. I've looked through all the menus and cant see 'skin' or theme and a search doesnt reveal them. Where are they?
- For product option groups it always displays 'none' at the top, any way of turning this off?
- Is there a bulk upload method, that will also include option groups, categories and images?
- The website says that SagePay is both included in the free down and that it isnt, I am guessing it is as its the download that I did?
- Cant see 'Manfcturers/Brands?

Thats the first that load that I can think off Smile No doubt I will have some more!

 Posted Sun 14 Aug 2011
Kartris Expert

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Last Active: Sun 27 Sep 2015
Posts: 115, Visits: 706
Hi Dave and welcome to Kartris world Smile

- I cant find where to change the Skin. I've looked through all the menus and cant see 'skin' or theme and a search doesnt reveal them. Where are they?

Changing skins is related to languages; for example you may use different skins for different languages. To change the skin:
1. From the back-end top menu go to Regional Setup >> Lang. and Email Setup
2. Click on Edit for the language in which you want to change its skin.
3. Select the needed skin from the "
Theme" drop down menu (3rd line from the bottom)
4. If you have your own customized skin and you have more than one master template, you can select one from the "Master Page" drop down.

Note: If you want to add your own theme in the future, you just need to put all the files in one directory and drop it in the "Skins" folder (could be found in the root of kartris site), then it should be listed in the "Theme" drop down automatically (step no. 3 above)

- For product option groups it always displays 'none' at the top, any way of turning this off?

'none' (or dash '-' for drop down) is displayed only for Optional (not mandatory for purchasing the item) Option, to change that:
1. While in Modify your "Options Product" from the back-end, go to "Options" tab then "Product Options" inner-tab.
2. You can see the "OPTIONAL" selection at the right most column, in which you can tick/untick for the specified "Option Group", please see attached images for more details.

- Is there a bulk upload method, that will also include option groups, categories and images?

Yeah, we have a bulk upload (csv/xls) into kartris db for categories, products, versions and their images, also you can attach some product's attribute, but option groups is not supported in that yet; this feature is available in
kartris data tool.

- The website says that SagePay is both included in the free down and that it isnt, I am guessing it is as its the download that I did?

Only the "VSP Form" is included in the free license, but "VSP Direct" needs standard license.
Please double check Kartris Payment Gateway Support

- Cant see 'Manfcturers/Brands?

This is a bit tricky in Kartris, you can have a category named "Manfcturers/Brands", then kartris' category menus (accordion, drop down and the fold-out types) all have a property named "Root Category", which used to specify the root category (which will be the ID of your Manfcturers/Brands category), that automatically will list all the "brand names" under that category, will give you hands on this when you intend to do it. This customer is using this feature in kartris.

 Optional.jpg (4 views, 64.00 KB)
 Non-Optional.jpg (4 views, 53.51 KB)
 Posted Sun 14 Aug 2011
Supreme Being

Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)Supreme Being - (12,822 reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Last Active: Sat 3 Sep 2011
Posts: 16, Visits: 43
Mohammed, thank you! That was the most concise reply that I have ever seen on a forum! BigGrin I am off to have a play with the site and see what I can do Smile

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