Change Price Type on Catergory Page
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By ianguest - Wed 26 Mar 2014
Currently the category / section page displays the minprice which is the lowest price including multiple discounts.

A client has requested that the main category / section pages should display the price for a single item [V_Price] and not the multiple price [QD_Price]

I believe that the ProductTemplateShortend sets up the information to be displayed for each product under the category / section page.

But I'm having difficulty changing the code to only display the V_Price
By Paul - Thu 27 Mar 2014
This minprice is obtained by an SQL function. In your db, go to

Programmability > Functions > Scalar-valued Functions


From looking at that, i think you need to cut this bit out:

        DECLARE @QD_MinPrice as real;
SELECT @QD_MinPrice = Min(QD_Price)
FROM dbo.tblKartrisQuantityDiscounts INNER JOIN tblKartrisVersions
ON tblKartrisQuantityDiscounts.QD_VersionID = tblKartrisVersions.V_ID
WHERE tblKartrisVersions.V_Live = 1 AND tblKartrisVersions.V_ProductID = @V_ProductID
AND (tblKartrisVersions.V_CustomerGroupID IS NULL OR tblKartrisVersions.V_CustomerGroupID = @CG_ID);

IF @QD_MinPrice <> 0 AND @QD_MinPrice IS NOT NULL AND @QD_MinPrice < @Result
SET @Result = @QD_MinPrice

But you might need to tinker with it to get it to work. Note that this will still pull out customer group pricing for an item if such a value is set.