Some SEO fields aren't saving in the backend
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By saturation - Wed 11 Jan 2012
It seems that the meta description, meta keywords, and URL name aren't saving, even though it's saying it is.   Page title saves fine.

I attached what the SEO section of one of my products looks a) before being saved, b) when it's being saved and c) after it's being saved.   What could be the issue?   I just put a brand new copy of _ModifyProduct.aspx and I'm still getting the same outcome. 
By Mohammad - Wed 11 Jan 2012
Which version you are using ? We didn't see problem before, I've tested the latest version, and its working fine.

If you are modifying codes, its not only the _ModifyProduct that could affect this part, there are at least 3 user controls that could cause problems to this if they are not modified properly.
By saturation - Thu 12 Jan 2012
I'm on 1.3004.   What are the names of the 3 other user controls on that page?   I've made no changes to the backend controls at least as far as I know.  I'll be glad to put the relevant controls back into place to fix it.
By thedrumdoctor - Tue 17 Jan 2012
I found that if I didn't save my SEO wording immediately and then if I changed the 'Product Type' field then the SEO information would be lost. Therefore, I got into the habit of saving my product info as soon as I'd entered the SEO information.

Don't know if that's behaviour by design or a bug.
By saturation - Wed 18 Jan 2012
Ok, I think I've located the issue, and it seems to be a bug.   

I originally used the data tool to import about 200 records.  The data tool does not have columns for the SEO fields, so they don't get brought in.  In my testing further on this issue, here's what I noticed:

1) if I create/edit a new product from the admin user interface, I can add and edit the SEO fields fine.
2) if I import the product from the data tool, I am unable to edit the  SEO fields.   Kartris appears to save all the other data fine, but not the SEO fields.

My guess is that the records for these SEO fields are not created when the data is imported from the data tool, so during editing Kartris is expecting to update records that are not already in the database?   On the flip side, my guess is that using the UI actually adds records for the SEO fields, so when attempting to update, they save fine?

I'm glad to show someone an example of this.